DML-iTrack-3D: 3D Video Database and Corresponding Eye-tracking Data
DML-iTrack-3D dataset contains the eye-tracking data of 61 stereoscopic 3D sequences collected from 24 subjects. 27 videos are marked as the “training” videos and their corresponding fixation maps are available to download. The rest of the videos (34) are marked as the “validation” set and are used for performance evaluations. The fixation maps of the validation set is not made publicly available to conduct a fair comparison among the performance of various visual attention models. To access the database click here.
Disclaimer: This data set is free to be used for any non-commercial purposes.
Please cite the following papers if you are using this database for your research.
- Amin Banitalebi-Dehkordi, Eleni Nasiopoulos, Mahsa T. Pourazad, and Panos Nasiopoulos, “Benchmark three-dimensional eye-tracking dataset for visual saliency prediction on stereoscopic three-dimensional video,” J. Electron. Imaging. 25 (1), 013008 (January 14, 2016); doi: 10.1117/1.JEI.25.1.013008.