

Benchmark Eye-Tracking Dataset for Visual Saliency Prediction on Stereoscopic 3D Video




3D Visual Attention Models (3D-VAM): 3D-VAMs attempt to predict the locations in 3D videos which are likely to attract the attention.


DML-iTrack-3D: DML-iTrack-3D is an eye-tracking dataset of stereoscopic 3D videos available for the research community to use for non-commercial purposes. Contact ‘dehkordi [at] ece [dot] ubc [dot] ca’ if you intend to use the dataset for commercial purposes.


DML-iTrack-3D dataset contains the eye-tracking data of 61 stereoscopic 3D sequences collected from 24 subjects. 27 videos are marked as the "training" videos and their corresponding fixation maps are available to download. The rest of the videos (34) are marked as the "validation" set and are used for performance evaluations. The fixation maps of the validation set is not made publicly available to conduct a fair comparison among the performance of various visual attention models:


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:


Training Sequences:    Videos (YUV 4:2:0) 45.3 GB     Depth Maps 22.6 GB    

Fixation Maps:   2D 22.6 GB   3D 22.6 GB

Validation Sequences:    Videos (YUV 4:2:0) 58.0 GB    Depth Maps 29.0 GB

Fixation Maps:   2D 29.0 GB   3D 29.0 GB


Our Benchmark dataset: Performance of different 2D and 3D visual attention models is evaluated over the DML-iTrack-3D dataset. Various saliency metrics are adopted. Below, find the performance evaluation results. To rank the VAMs based on their accuracy, different models are ranked according to each metric separately and the average of the ranks is used to sort these methods (we use only sAUC, KLD, and NSS for ranking). Details regarding our dataset and performance evaluations can be found in the following paper:


    * Amin Banitalebi-Dehkordi; Eleni Nasiopoulos; Mahsa T. Pourazad; Panos Nasiopoulos. Benchmark three-dimensional eye-tracking dataset for visual saliency prediction on stereoscopic three-dimensional video. J. Electron. Imaging. 25 (1), 013008 (January 14, 2016); doi: 10.1117/1.JEI.25.1.013008.


Submit New VAMs: Send us a link to download the results of your saliency prediction algorithms over the validation part of the DML-iTrack-3D dataset. We will evaluate the performance of your VAM and add your model to the benchmark. Note that your saliency maps should be one YUV 4:2:0 video file per each video. Contact us if you have any questions.


LBVS-3D: Learning-Based Visual Saliency prediction for stereoscopic 3D video: Our proposed saliency prediction method for stereoscopic 3D video. Details can be found in the following paper:


    * A. Banitalebi-Dehkordi, M.T. Pourazad, and P. Nasiopoulos, "A Learning-Based Visual Saliency prediction model for stereoscopic 3D video (LBVS-3D)," Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11042-016- 4155-y.


    * Code: available at:





Performance evaluation of 2D VAMs when compared against the 2D & 3D eye-tracking FDMs:


Performance improvements when depth maps are integrated to 2D VAMs for saliency prediction on 3D video





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